It consists of a short warm up, and then 3 circuits that have 3min strength, 2min cardio (we're talking jumping jacks and jump rope here) and 1min abs, and then a stretch session for cool down. No rest between any of it (unless you cheat - which I had to in order to drink water, and also pick up a fussy baby. Of course she sleeps 2hrs on mornings I don't try to get something done!).
The conclusion is I'm out of shape. And, it's a pretty good workout for $8. And, I did level 1. There are 3 levels, and the rule of thumb is you do each for 10 days. I'll check back in at day 11 and let you know what I think about Level 2. My goal is to finish this before we go to NY for Thanksgiving. I have enough days, so long as I don't cheat and skip out a day!
So this may come as no surprise...slow down girl! Don't rush into loosing weight. Especially if you're nursing. Allow your body to heal. You should know it takes 2 years for all your organs to be back in place and it does take a while for your body to get back to normal. If you're nursing please be cautious with working out too much. You could dehydrate or loose some milk supply and it could make you hurt. I always encourage people to nurse and get in walks here and there but wait until at least the baby is 4 months old before heavy work outs...that way your hips and milk supply are more healed....just be careful girl. You'll loose it! Don't rush. You're absolutely gorgeous!!!